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Climate change is accelerating rapidly, and will have serious impacts on almost every aspect of our lives, as the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicates.

 IPCC Report


We need to contribute to the global effort to limit climate change by cutting our carbon dioxide and other emissions. South Africa is in the top 20 emitters of CO2 in the world and the highest CO2 emitter on the African continent. South Africa has already committed itself to contribute to global efforts to reduce emissions as rapidly as possible, as set out in the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution.


The PCC has made recommendations about the updated NDC and the emissions trajectory South Africa should pursue.

The Presidential Climate Commission aims to build a social compact around a Just Climate Transition. In building a low carbon, climate resilient economy and society, we need to ensure decent work for all, social inclusion, and the eradication of poverty. We need to protect those most vulnerable to climate change, including women, children, people with disabilities, the poor and the unemployed, and protect workers' jobs and livelihoods.


The PCC facilitates dialogue between social partners on these issues, in particular the type of society we want to achieve, and detailed pathways for how to get there. 

Read more about our work to develop a Just Transition Framework.

Participate in our upcoming discussions around a Just Transition. Read the Commission’s new paper, prepared by TIPS, on key issues that will inform the development of South Africa’s just transition framework, drawing on international and domestic experience.


Click here to register and download the Agenda for the different discussions: REGISTER

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The Presidential Climate Commission established by President Cyril Ramaphosa in December 2020, held its 4th meeting of Commissioners on the 21st October 2021.  


Commissioners amongst other topics applied themselves to discussions on financing a Just Energy Transition in South Africa, and the opportunities in the hydrogen economy at this meeting. The agenda for the meeting included: 


  • An update on preparations for COP26 by Minister for Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Minister Barbara Creecy

  • Remarks by the Deputy Minister for Finance, Dr David Masondo

  • Presentation of government proposals for a Just Energy Transaction by Mr Rudi Dicks from The Presidency

  • A presentation on how SASOL plans to achieve net-zero by SASOL Executive Vice-President Strategy, Sustainability & Integrated Services, Mr. Vuyo Kahla

  • An input on the financing requirements for the hydrogen economy by PCC Commissioner & IDC Chief Operations Officer, Ms. Joanne Bate.

Please download the various presentations using the buttons below


1. Update on UNFCCC Negotiations (Minister Barbara Creecy)

2. Financing the Hydrogen Economy (Joanne Bate) 

3. SASOL plan for net-zero (Vuyo Kahla)

4. Financing a Just Transition for South Africa (Rudi Dicks)

5. PCC Executive Director's Report (Dr. Crispian Olver)

6. PCC Governance & Governance arrangements (Dr. Crispian Olver/Mac Makwarela)



©2021 by Presidential Climate Commission

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